


Loved and chosen to bear fruit – love

John 15: 16-17 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

True Greatness

Matthew 20: 17-34 | Notes from Bishop Richard Condie's sermon

The Good Shepherd

John 10: 11-18 | Preached by Luke Campton

Easter Day

John 20: 1-18 Easter Day | Rev'd Ruth Hanlon



Matthew 2:1-12 with Isaiah 60:1-6 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Good news!

Luke 2: 1-20 and Isaiah 9: 2-7 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Advent 3 – Joy

John 1,19-24 with Isaiah 61, 1-11 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon


Good Friday Reflection by the Passion Movement

Good Friday Reflection | Passion Movement 2024

The Great Commission, Trinity Sunday

Matthew 28: 1-20 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

The good news!

Luke 2: 1-20 with Isaiah 60: 1-6 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Immanuel – God is with us

Advent 4 Isaiah 7: 10-16 and Matt 1: 18-25 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon