


The Transfiguration

Mark 9: 2-9 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Broken but made anew

2 Corinthians 4: 5-10 | Reflection by Libby Todd

Jonah and the Workers in the Vineyard

Jonah 3: 10 - 4:11 & Matthew 20: 1-16 | Preached by Rev'd Erna Brigg


Parable of the wedding feast

Matthew 22: 1-14 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

The parable of the wicked tenants

Matthew 21: 33-46 & Isaiah 5: 1-7 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Prison Fellowship

Matthew 25: 31-46 | Preached by Rev'd Cameron Brett

Samson the final Judge

Judges 13-16 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon


Rest for our souls

Joshua 13: 1-7 & Joshua 14; Matthew 11: 28-30 | Preached by Rob Macklin

God is for us

Joshua 10:1-14; Romans 8:31-39 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

Who lost the battle of Ai?

Joshua 7 | Preached by Rev'd Ruth Hanlon

The fall of Jericho

Joshua 5_13-6_27 | Preached by Michael Hanlon