Lord, God, we thank you for speaking to us through scripture. We pause now to reflect on the words we have heard this morning through bible and song. I pray you will illumine our hearts and minds to listen to your voice, to grow deeper in understanding and faith, and draw near to you.
We have heard and sung lots of words this morning and I wonder what God has been saying to you through them?
In Genesis 3 we were reminded of sin entering the garden of Eden, causing the break in relationship between humankind and God. We reflect on our own sinful nature and say sorry.
In Genesis 22, we heard of God’s promise to Abraham, his covenant to bless the nations. We thank God for choosing Abraham, for not forsaking his people made in his image, for the promise that he would bless the nations. We remember the miracle of the birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, we remember how Abraham was obedient to God, not withholding his one and only son, looking forward to the day when you God, did not withhold your one and only son that we might live. We remember how you stayed Abraham’s hand from Isaac and how their offspring became as numerous as the stars in the sky.
In Isaiah 9, we heard those wonderful words from the prophet, foretelling the birth of Christ. A child born to us; a son given to us. We thank you God for your great love for us in sending Jesus. We reflect for a moment on the words that describe who he is, one whom brings us comfort, one on whom we can depend on and trust.
Wonderful Counselor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace
In Micah 5 we heard from another prophet, declaring the little town of Bethlehem to be the birthplace of the great shepherd, Jesus who will shepherd his flock. We remember and pray for those in Bethlehem and surrounds– Palestine and Israel, we pray they will know God’s love and we long and pray for peace.
We then heard from the New Testament, Luke 1 with the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary telling her that she had found favour with God and would give birth to his son. We thank you for Mary’s willingness to be your servant, despite the difficulties and struggles this would bring about for her as a yet unwed mother. We pray that we will likewise trust you and say like Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant”.
In Matthew chapter 1 we heard how an Angel appeared to Mary’s betrothed Joseph in a dream telling him to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife. We are thankful that Joseph too is obedient. We thankyou for the gospel writer reminding us that all this took place to fulfil the prophecy of the virgin birth, of a son called Immanuel.
We think on the meaning of Immanuel – God with us. We are in awe that you came down in flesh to live as one of us, and through your Holy Spirit you are always with us.
We then returned to Luke, hearing how the good news of the birth of Christ was first shared with the lowly shepherds. We imagine the lit-up sky and the wondrous sound of Angels singing gloria to a motley crew in a field with sheep. Jesus entered the world in a most humble way and always related to those who were poor and outcast. We pray for those sleeping rough, for those on low or no incomes and pray they will know that Jesus identifies with them, that he sees them, that they are worthy to come into his presence and worship, just like those shepherds on that first Christmas night.
Matthew then tells us of the visit of the Magi, sometimes known as Kings, from far away in the east. They were led by a star to worship the Lord and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. God has given us the greatest gift in Jesus. What gifts do we bring to offer him?
We now come to our ninth lesson from John 1. His words are poetic and speak not of a baby born in a manger, but of the word that has always been, the light who came into the world, the word made flesh, dwelling among us. As you hear these words again, may you experience God’s amazing grace and truth.
Please stand as St John unfolds the great mystery of the Incarnation.
…John 1: 1-14.