Good news!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for Jesus, your present to us; your presence with us.  Enlighten our hearts with the message of your good news this morning, in the name of your son Jesus, whose birth we celebrate today.  Amen.

I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people! So the angel said to the shepherds.

What good news would you like to hear?  What good news do you think all the people of the world want to hear today??

In 2020 and again in 21 we called out that we wanted to hear an end to the Covid virus!  But it seems it’s here to stay, with new outbreaks happening just prior to Christmas again, another variant with the name JN.1.  Many who had avoided it are experiencing the virus for the first time.  But we can give thanks for vaccinations and anti virals meaning better outcomes and far fewer deaths.

This year I think the good news we all long to hear is that the world is at peace.  There is conflict in so many countries we don’t even hear about, but the war in Ukraine continues to feature in the news, and fresh conflict between Israel and Hamas.  We grieve at the massive loss of life and suffering.  We long for peace.  How Jesus must grieve at the destruction right where he was born to bring peace.

And the other big issue is the ongoing and increased impact of climate change causing havoc around the world with unprecedented weather events, even here in Australia we are seeing higher temperatures and greater floods and fires.  Aren’t we blessed here this morning, while other parts of Australia experience wild storms today.

We long for and pray for more peas on earth.  Did I say peace on earth or peas on earth??:)  (Show Christmas card pic) I love this Christmas card, and it reminded me of the two great issues I’ve just talked about.  The green peas represent the need for us to care for our earth, to be good stewards, to grow more peas!  But of course, the peas are a play on the word ‘peace’, we long for peace on earth.

World news will change, but today we celebrate the good news that never changes.  We celebrate Jesus, the Prince of Peace, come to earth to rescue us from brokenness.  He came to offer us peace from God on High.  One day he will return and there will be no more suffering, no more wars, no more wild weather events or fires, no more death.  As the prophet Isaiah declared; Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.  (Isaiah 9: 7)

We long and pray for that day, but in the meantime, we can know peace in our hearts.  What did the angels say to the shepherds after telling them of the birth of a Saviour?  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.  (Luke 2: 14)

God’s favour rested on those lowly shepherds and his favour rests on us.

We do have good news to celebrate today, we have hope to hold onto, we have joy and peace and love to experience.  Why?  Because God so loved the world that around 2000 years ago, he sent his son into the world to rescue us – the name Jesus – means ‘God saves’, and in Isaiah 7, we read that this child born of a virgin would also be called Immanuel – which means God with us.

This is wonderful news that should bring us comfort, joy, hope and peace.

The world was weary when Jesus arrived, longing for hope.  There was conflict then also.  The Jews were waiting for the Messiah to come, to deliver them from darkness, and at that time from Roman rule.  At Jesus’ birth there was a thrill of hope, a new beginning.

Isaiah the prophet had brought a message of good news to a people walking in darkness that one day a child would be born, a son given to them who would reign forever on their great King David’s throne.  He would be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

The people waited a long time for this good news to come to fruition…about 700 long years!

They waited and they waited, they hoped, and they hoped and in God’s perfect timing the good news finally arrived that their Messiah had come.

The coming of the Saviour was all in God’s control and his plan.  At an unexpected time and in a most unexpected way!

The Messiah was coming as a vulnerable baby – God humbled himself to become human and live among his people, to be a suffering servant who would be despised and rejected and then die and rise again to save us all.

Those who heard the good news of Jesus’s arrival rejoiced – how happy were those shepherds that night as they went to worship their King and saviour.

Then how blessed were those who met Jesus as he grew up and began his ministry, as he went among the poor, the sick, the sinners and he gave them new hope and new life as they put their trust in and followed him.  How the people rejoiced when Jesus was raised from the dead, their despair turned to great joy and wonder – Jesus hadn’t left them after all!  He was still Immanuel God with us – and then he sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in those who believed in his name.

Many people in our world have forgotten all about Jesus, and Christmas has become known as the holiday or festive season, it’s all about ‘family food and fun’.  Or it’s all about boxing day cricket said one news reader!  Christmas is about a lot more than that!  It is good to celebrate with family or watching cricket for some – but even better to celebrate with the real reason and gift of the season.

Who watched Carols by Candlelight last night?  There were some warm messages about love and giving.  We heard a mix of traditional and secular carols, but the best one of the night has to be Sylvie Paladino singing O Holy Night.  The host David Campbell introduced her as everyone’s favourite because she always sings with such passion.  Why does she sing her carol with passion?  Because she believes every word she sings.  Often, she will give a little Christian message as she finishes, last night it was simply “Thank you Jesus!”.

We need to be bearers of the good news to those who have not heard and received God’s gift – Jesus.  Like Sylvie who pointed to Jesus, as the reason for the season.  We may not be able to shout out to millions over TV, but we too can point to Jesus.  We need to share and model lives of hope, joy, love, and peace, caring for the earth and our neighbours.  We need to shine his light in the darkness, many are hurting and broken in our world.  Many live with hopelessness, let’s invite them to meet the one who brings eternal hope.

The good news goes beyond the story of Jesus being born in a manger.  Some like to keep him as a baby and forget the rest of the story.    We remember and celebrate his birth today, but he grew up and taught us to love God and one another, he performed miracles, he healed the sick, he had compassion on all, he suffered death and rose again for us.  Today we worship Jesus – King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel – God with us.

We pray for people around the world today, especially those suffering, that even as they are surrounded by war and disaster, that they would meet Jesus, who was born for us, a child given for us, and he offers us peace.  Peace that the world cannot give; Jesus can give us peace in our hearts, beyond our understanding.  As many waited in hope 700 years for the Messiah to come, we too wait in hope, knowing that one day Jesus will return and put all things right – no more wars, or suffering, pain, pandemics, floods, hunger, no more death.  Just everlasting peace.

As the angels sang on that Christmas night, may we have that joy in our hearts today and always.  They sang because the Everlasting Father had come to extend arms of redeeming grace to all who would give their hearts to him.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests!

 Let us pray:  Father God, we thank you for the gift of your son Jesus.

I pray that we will always remember that you are with us, no matter what we face.  Thank you that you came and dwelt among us, and you know our needs.

When we are confused and afraid, may we remember that Jesus is with us as our Wonderful Counselor.

When we worry about the state of the world and despair at our leaders and governments, may we remember that the government is on God’s shoulders and that Jesus is the Mighty God who reigns forever with justice and compassion and righteousness and will one day return to put all things right.

When we feel isolated and alone, I pray we remember Jesus as our Everlasting Father, his arms around us always, now and for eternity.

I pray that when we feel anxious, we will remember that Jesus is our Prince of Peace.

Help us to put our trust in you Lord, for as the Prophet Isaiah declared; Jesus’ everlasting reign of peace, a Kingdom upheld with justice and righteousness forever, will be accomplished by the zeal of the Lord Almighty.   (Isaiah 9:7)

Just like the angels, we worship you today in songs of never-ending praise, and if you know these words let’s say together…

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the Highest.  Amen.